Tuesday, February 23, 2016

#FREE Sebastien Deguy: Allegorithmic Changing the Art of Games #3D + Animation #Substance Designer

Sebastien Deguy started out as a mathematician working on a CGI prototype. Ten years on, his prototype has become a full-fledged software company called Allegorithmic. Allegorithmic makes a new breed of creative tools, which use mathematical algorithms and physically based rendering (PBR) tools that have changed the creative pipeline in game development from AAA to indie games. In this in-depth interview, Sebastien discusses the product strategy at Allegorithmic. Learn about their quest for a subscription model that’s fair, the secret to marketing to young and indie game developers, and the big changes coming for 3D?virtual/augmented reality and 3D scanning.

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Instructor’s Welcome Note:

– So my name’s Sebastien deGuy. We say “deGee” in French, deGuy is fine. I’m deGuy here in the US, in France I’m “deGee.” I’m the CEO and founder at Allegorithmic Software Company doing the Substance Tools Suite, dedicated to texturing. We do have mainly two tools, Substance Designer and Substance Painter. We have more, but these two ones are the most important ones. They are dedicated to the production of textures and especially for game developers.
So game developers use Substance Designer and, or Substance Painter to actually create the textures the way they would have created them before with Photoshop, for instance, or by using a library of predefined textures. It’s a new breed of creative tools and really focusing on the texture aspect of things, so it’s mostly games, as I was mentioning, not so much into the film and animation industry, although we see, here and there, more and more people using it.
It’s interesting to witness because we haven’t pushed for it at all, but it’s happening still. They keep asking us to change this and that. We don’t do it yet, but we will end up doing the modifications they ask, because that will be a new market for us, but the main market is the game development studios, whether the Triple A guys or the indie developers, the enthusiasts you can find out there, more and more by the way. And little bit of design, architecture, VFX, animation as well.
So few things, maybe. The first is something we launched not so long ago, it was at GDC in March. It’s called Substance Live. It’s, again, something we wanted to do that has to do with subscription, but it’s a subscription, but it’s not a subscription. It’s a rent-to-own system, so basically you can pay $20 per month, and you get the whole package of products that we sell, and after a certain amount of payments, you actually own the product.
And we wanted to do that, because we knew as a company, and I as a CEO, I understand very well the importance of going to subscription. It’s a recurring revenue, it’s a base of customers that you have at your disposal somehow. But it’s very important, it’s very easy to understand why it makes sense on the business side of things to go for subscription, and I understand that big guys like Adobe and Autodesk, and going after this because it makes sense on the business side of things.
But the thing is, the feedback in the community has been like fighting it a bit. And the part of the community that has been fighting it the most is the part that we address ourselves, so we knew that by going into subscription from the start, like what the other guys do, we would have hurt our relationship and our community. So we didn’t want that, and so we wanted to find something that was fair again.
The same idea of we trust you, you trust us, doing something fair, innovative again. But we definitely wanted to give access to all of our tools to as many people as possible. So we came up with this rent-to-own system, actually our VP, he was buying a car here in Los Angeles, and he got the leasing, and basically it’s the same idea. So it’s the idea of, well he came back and said, “Well, that’s something we could use, maybe, in software.” And you haven’t seen that, much, and so we launched it and the feedback has been amazing, so it’s $20, you can stop it whenever you want, and resume it, and when you resume it, you keep the credit you’ve been accumulating before, and after a certain amount of months, you actually own the license of the current version of the software, so you can keep using it, and you can stop.
It pushes us to keep innovating, but we have many, many new things to add, anyways, to our products, so we are very confident we can make that and keep people with us. And so far the turn has been super low, so that’s great, and the feedback has been great. So that’s the first thing I wanted to talk about because this is, we try not only to innovate in the products, but also in the business model and proximity to o



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