Monday, February 29, 2016

#FREE Capturing Audio for Video 02: Tips & Techniques #Audio + Music #Jeff Jacoby

Sound for video is often poorly understood and ignored by video producers. Watch almost any YouTube video and you’ll hear the problem. It’s one that plagues new and experienced video producers alike.
Capturing Audio for Video demystifies sound capture, offering professional insights from instructor and audio specialist Jeff Jacoby. This installment is centered on practical audio recording tips and techniques. He shows how to scout a location, monitor audio in the field, plan a shot list and sound recordings, and choose the right equipment, whether you need to buy or rent it. These tutorials are easy to follow and apply, fun to watch, and enormously helpful for video producers and directors alike.

LEVEL Appropriate for all



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Instructor’s Welcome Note:

– Welcome to Capturing Audio for Video, Tips and Techniques. This course will help you continue humming along on that all-important road to capturing great audio for your video. For those of you joining me from the first course getting started, welcome. If you haven’t watched that course, I suggest you do so before this one. As Glinda of Oz once said, “It’s always best to start at the beginning.” And if you do, I think you’ll be even better equipped to handle the sound of your show.
Sound for video is one of the least understood and most often ignored components of video production. And I’m guessing that what brought you here is frustration with handling the sound on your shoots. It never comes out quite right, and it’s always causing problems. Sound about right? I understand. I’m Jeff Jacoby, and I’ve been practicing professional audio for decades. And along with my own projects, I teach audio for video at San Francisco State University. Throughout Capturing Audio for Video Tips and Techniques, I’ll cover all sorts of important things you want to know.
And maybe a few you didn’t know you wanted to know. Like why it’s totally worth spending a few minutes focusing your listening and prioritizing audio in your head. Why it always pays to carefully scout and listen to your locations before you shoot. What to do when things just don’t sound right. Why you might want to make a checklist and check it twice. And whether or not it pays to spend your hard earned money on purchasing your own audio equipment.
After watching this course, I’m confident, and you will be too, that you’ll be able to handle the sound of your shows with a lot more understanding and expertise. My evil plan is to make the world sound a little better one video at a time.



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Capturing Audio for Video 02: Tips & Techniques
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