Monday, February 22, 2016

#FREE R?mi Arnaud: Chief Software Architect #3D + Animation #R?mi Arnaud

Virtual reality (VR) has been available to consumers since the early 1990s, but for the first time, with hardware like the StarVR and Oculus Rift, it feels really “game changing.” R?mi Arnaud has seen this progress firsthand. He started working on military flight simulators in the 1990s, and is now the chief software architect at Starbreeze, where he’s helping develop games and hardware that push the limits of VR technology. In August 2015, his team presented a demo of StarVR to attendees at SIGGRAPH. There we had a chance to interview him about his company, the latest changes in VR tech, and the future of immersive multimedia?whether the experience can make the leap from gaming to movie screens and medical schools. R?mi also provides career advice for people who want to break into the gaming industry (artists and programmers alike) and the importance of rapid iteration?and active listening?when trying to create new digital experiences.

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Instructor’s Welcome Note:

– My name is Remi Arnaud and I’ve been working in real time graphics forever. I’m obviously French. And I moved in the bay area a long time ago. Silicon Graphics actually recruited me out of my job and I was working for a flight simulator company in France. And doing some software to do image generation for flash mission, and since then, I’ve been in the bay area, and worked for big companies and small companies.
Very energetic place, the bay area, so, I guess I’m spoiled now, and this is where I am. I’m working with a very dynamic and interesting company called Starbreeze. They are quite an old game developer, about 15 years old. They actually are a public company based out of Stockholm. They have very popular games that they created, namely Payday 2 is one of their best successes.
They have a concept where you have to work, four people need to work in collaboration to be able to go through the missions of the game, and which, at the time was a concept that they created and worked out very well. They have a huge community of followers, and really what they want to do is to tailor to that community and communicate with them, and surprise them with newer releases, and we really like to release new content all the time, more like monthly or even a faster release schedule, listening to the community, and like I said, they’re trying to surprise them and get them excited.
I’m a technologist and chief software architect for new company and I oversee the software, and especially the game engine parts that we are building. The company is growing, it’s got studios in Paris, in Croatia, in L.A., and we have engineers in Russia and so forth. So there’s a lot of things for me to oversee in trying to steer all the technology to go in the same direction so we can grow the company and try to go together to the same goal.
So E3 of course is our main show. Today we add Seagraph, which is the maker of graphics, graphics software and hardware, but as for the game industry, (mumbles). That makes sense that we actually chose E3 to release something that surprised everybody, actually, because we kept that quiet, and what we released was the most high-end VR experience that exists today.
Because we’re a small company it came as a surprise to all the big players that are in the space. So we work with a very nice IP, The Walking Dead, and as the company’s growing including the technology there, it was a really nice thing to do to put together a mode that has new content, new engine as our own VR hardware, VR display which is called now StarVR.
That was a very nice thing to be able to get all the company, all the new people together with one project. And so the experience is very intense. You actually wake up in a hospital and you don’t have legs anymore. You’re stuck in a wheelchair and there’s a couple of your friends try to save you from, make you escape the hospital that’s actually infested by zombies.
And so it’s interesting there’s somebody behind you that’s pushing you through the corridors and somebody in front of you opening the space. And at one point in the demo the guy in the CG is actually grabbing a gun from the floor and then he comes to you and he gives you the gun in VR but in a real world we actually give you a gun at the same time. It’s interesting we have no explanation to give to people where immediately want to shoot the zombies because it happens like after the first demo.
So we already are kind of, they want to survive and they understand that they’re gonna have to use that weapon to make them self. And so what is very interesting is that we didn’t know that it gets so intense and we get so emotional to the demo that we not only use the weapon to shoot at the zombies but when we get close we try to stab them with the weapon.
Unfortunately some of the zombies are crawlers and they are on the floor and they actually smash the weapon on the floor. We have some broken weapons during the demo. We thought it was all new techn



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