Saturday, March 5, 2016

#FREE WordPress: Building Themes from Scratch Using Underscores #Web #WordPress

Ready for your next WordPress challenge? Learn how to build more complex custom themes using the _s (aka Underscores) starter theme. Morten Rand-Hendriksen takes you from basic layout and customization to enabling advanced responsive design and accessibility features. He reinforces the basics lessons with DRY (don’t repeat yourself) development practices and a structured approach that will help you build WordPress themes that meet modern standards. Plus, he explores core concepts like understanding the WordPress template hierarchy and mobile-first design, creating functions, adding custom JavaScript, applying styles, and more. Plus, for 2016, we’re including an all-new chapter on the Customizer, which provides controls that allow users of your theme to adjust the colors and layout.

LEVEL Advanced


Installing WordPress, Underscores, plugins, and NetBeans
Creating a modular, mobile-first WordPress theme
Setting up the basic theme
Building a custom header
Designing responsive, accessible menus
Configuring the Single Post Template plugin
Generating featured images
Styling the comments area, search results, and widget areas
Working with static pages
Adding features to the Customizer
Customizing the backend


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Instructor’s Welcome Note:

– Hello, and welcome to WordPress, Building Themes from Scratch Using Underscores. I’m senior staff author and WordPress expert, Morten Rand-Hendriksen, and I’ll be your guide as we build a modern, accessible, mobile-first, content-focused theme from scratch, using underscores. We’ll start by setting up a development environment, discussing the design process, and configuring underscores to meet our needs. Then, we’ll build a theme, piece by piece, by breaking it down into sections, including the header, menus, and more. We’ll spend some time working with pages and widgets, and finally, we’ll wrap up with an all new chapter on how to work with a customizer to add controls for custom colors and layouts.
Knowing how to build a custom WordPress theme from scratch using underscores means you can build pretty much anything you want, and I’m here to show you how to do it right. We have a lot of ground to cover, so clear your head, take a deep breath, and let’s get crackin’ with WordPress, Building Themes from Scratch Using Underscores.



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