Thursday, March 10, 2016

#FREE Excel 2011 for the Mac: Mastering Formulas and Functions #Business #Excel

Conquer some of the most daunting features in Microsoft Excel once and for all. In this version of his popular course, designed specifically for Excel for Mac users, author Dennis Taylor demystifies some of the most challenging of the 300+ formulas and functions in Excel, and shows how to put them to their best use. Dennis covers key shortcuts, the IF and LOOKUP functions for search and data retrieval, the statistical and math functions, and the date, time, and text functions that make formatting easier. He also covers combining functions to extend their power. These practical examples transition effortlessly to real-world scenarios.

LEVEL Advanced


Using absolute, relative, and mixed references
Using the Formula Builder
Converting formulas to values
Creating 3D formulas to gather data from multiple sheets
Creating and expanding the use of nested IF statements
Looking up information with VLOOKUP, MATCH, and INDEX
Using the power functions: COUNTIF, SUMIF, and AVERAGEIF
Analyzing data with the statistical functions
Calculating payment
Performing basic math
Determining dates and times
Editing text with functions
Analyzing data with arrays


LEARN THIS COURSE FOR FREE *10 days of free unlimited access to “Excel 2011 for the Mac: Mastering Formulas and Functions”

Instructor’s Welcome Note:

– Hi, I’m Dennis Taylor, and I’m happy to present “Excel 2011 for the Mac: Mastering Formulas and Functions.” For many Excel users, the central focus of what they do is writing formulas and functions. If you really want to take advantage of Excel’s power, you need exposure to its many functions. I’ll start off by showing you some great shortcuts for building formulas and functions, numerous variations on the “IF” and “VLOOKUP” functions, vital statistical and math functions, and some date functions that could prove to be indispensable.
I’ll show you how text functions can help you clean up flawed data. How powerful array formulas and functions give you even more analytical possibilities. And I’ll show you how to choose functions in combination with one another to achieve even greater power. Welcome to “Excel 2011 for the Mac: “Mastering Formulas and Functions.”



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