Wednesday, March 9, 2016

#FREE Managing Project Ethics #Business #Bob McGannon

Project managers can boost their reputations and increase project participation and success by embracing respectable project ethics. In this course, Bob McGannon covers the four values of project ethics according to the Project Management Institute: responsibility, respect, fairness, and honesty. Bob shows how to build your own framework of ethical standards that work with your company’s culture, and describes typical ethical situations you might encounter during each project phase.
BONUS: In the bonus chapter, Bob answers seven questions about specific ethical dilemmas: sharing information, resolving conflicts over standards, communicating with stakeholders, reporting project status honestly, and more.

LEVEL Beginner


Demonstrating responsibility
Showing respect
Operating with fairness
Behaving with honesty
Understanding mandatory, aspirational, and personal ethical standards
Reviewing ethical situations in project management
Reporting ethical problems


LEARN THIS COURSE FOR FREE *10 days of free unlimited access to “Managing Project Ethics”

Instructor’s Welcome Note:

– Hi, I’m Bob McGannon, and this is “Managing Project Ethics.” Your overall success as a project manager can depend on your ability to identify and manage ethical issues. As you manage larger and more ambitious projects your chances of running into ethical sticking points increases. This course covers the ethical responsibilities required of project managers, as described by the Project Management Institute, or PMI. I will start our discussion by sharing the four main ethical values described by PMI: Demonstrating responsibility, showing respect, operating with fairness, and behaving with honesty.
Next, I will talk about establishing your own ethical standards based on the four ethical values and accommodating the specific requirements your project may demand. I’ll introduce you to the concepts of mandatory and aspirational ethical standards, and how to incorporate the cultural expectations of the environment in which you work to define personal standards for your own ethical behavior. Through all this and more, I’ll introduce you to the best ways you can successfully fulfill your ethical responsibilities as a project manager in “Managing Project Ethics.” Now, let’s get started.



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Managing Project Ethics
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