Saturday, March 5, 2016

#FREE WordPress Workflows #Web #WordPress

If your WordPress workflow is streamlined from the start, development is simpler, more organized, and more efficient?all the way through to publication. In this course, staff author Morten Rand Hendriksen covers three common WordPress workflows. First he’ll tackle building a simple WordPress site: from host setup to basic content management. Then he shows how to take that basic workflow a step further by customizing a theme. Last, Morten covers the professional tools and techniques you need to use when you’re developing sites for clients, including setting up a staging environment and version control.

LEVEL Beginner


Setting up WordPress on a live host
Setting up a local development environment
Creating and publishing content
Managing media
Adding a new child theme
Building custom sites for clients
Syncing content between local and staging servers
Making a site live


LEARN THIS COURSE FOR FREE *10 days of free unlimited access to “WordPress Workflows”

Instructor’s Welcome Note:

– Hi, I’m Morten Rand-Hendriksen, staff author, and I’m excited to welcome you to WordPress Workflows. We’ll be looking at three distinct Workflows for three different types of WordPress projects. In the first Workflow, we’ll look at how to build your first WordPress site, and I’ll cover planning, set up, and content management. The second Workflow is all about customizing your site with a Child Theme. Here I’ll introduce you to the theme development process and get you set up right, with the tools and strategies to ensure smooth sailing.
And in the final third Workflow, we’ll look at a full custom site build. Here we’ll dive into professional development Workflows and discuss IDEs, staging environments, version control, and more. Establishing practical Workflows for different types of WordPress projects will make the actual work you do simpler, more organized, and more efficient. I’m here to show you how to do it right. So let’s get crackin’ with WordPress Workflows.



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