Sunday, March 6, 2016

#FREE WordPress: Building a One-Page Style Site #Web #WordPress

One-page sites with JavaScript-based scrolling navigation are popular, especially for creative portfolios and company websites. However, in WordPress, single-page sites also have severe restrictions and can be hard to manage. This course shows you how you can create a dynamic one-page front page for your WordPress site that pulls content from different areas and displays it in a visually stunning way. This method allows the front page to update automatically as site content changes, without you having to constantly manage it. Staff author Morten Rand-Hendriksen will take you step by step through this solution: creating a new template and content pages, calling content to the front page with custom loops, and adding JavaScript to enable sticky menus and scrolling.

LEVEL Advanced


Creating a foundation for the front page with a child theme, styles, and dummy content
Using custom queries to display content from different pages
Adding testimonials
Adding a custom menu
Creating a scrolling effect


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Instructor’s Welcome Note:

Hi, Im Morten Rand-Hendricksen staff author at, and I’d like to welcome you to WordPress: Building a One-Page Style Front page. In this course I’ll show you how to create an advanced, one page style front page from your WordPress site that has a sticky menu, smooth scrolling, and displays content from various sections of your WordPress site, all on the front page. To start off, we’ll create a new front page template, then we’ll create individual pages for each of the main content types and call them all into the front page with custom loops.
Next, we’ll use advanced loops to display child pages and random testimonials. And finally we’ll add JavaScript into the mix to make a sticky menu and smooth scrolling. One page style sites are a popular way of offering up content online. And by creating a one page style front page for your WordPress site you get the best of both worlds. An attractive front page and more content throughout the rest of the site. So let’s get cracking with WordPress: Building a One-Page Style Front Page.



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WordPress: Building a One-Page Style Site
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