Sunday, March 6, 2016

#FREE Creating a Photo Gallery in WordPress with jQuery #Web #jQuery

WordPress has an excellent media library and the ability to create galleries for almost any page, but the look and feel are somewhat limited. You, however, can take control of the user experience with jQuery, and give your admins the ability to control the gallery with features they already know and love. Chris Converse teaches you how in this short course. Learn to register custom JavaScript, modify the layout with CSS, and then incorporate a lightbox effect. Plus, Chris will show you how to make the most of your hard work by moving the gallery markup between different WordPress themes, so you can use your customization in any layout.

LEVEL Beginner



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Instructor’s Welcome Note:

Hi, I’m Chris Converse, and in this course I’m going to show you how to create, customize, and manage a photo gallery inside of Word Press. Now Word Press has an excellent media library and the ability to create galleries for any page or post. It even has some editing capabilities. However, the built in gallery experience for your users might be a little limiting. I’m going to show you how you can take control of the user experience from a WordPress gallery using j-query. In this course, we’re going to register our own custom java scripts. We’re going to create CSS for the layout, Incorporate light box and if you’re feeling adventurous, there’s and optional chapter.
I’ll show you how to customize the HTML hat’s generated by WordPress using a custom PHP function inside of our theme. And when you’re done creating your custom experience for your gallery, I’m going to show you how to move the gallery between WordPress themes. So if this sounds interesting, grab some photos, log into WordPress and let’s get started.



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Creating a Photo Gallery in WordPress with jQuery
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