Tuesday, March 29, 2016

#FREE Surfacing an F1 Wheel In Alias #3D + Animation #Alias

Picking up where Modeling an F1 Wheel in Maya left off, in this course Veejay Gahir walks through the steps required to surface a Formula 1 wheel in Alias. With assets from the previous course, you’ll be able to complete the entire project, from setting up your Alias model and building high-quality surfaces for the different wheel components, to exporting data for use in rapid prototype physical models and rendering the final product.

LEVEL Intermediate


Understanding the manufacturing strategy
Direct modeling techniques
Understanding project deliverables
Creating the main body
Creating a digital display
Checking feasibility
Creating handles with fillets
Exporting for rapid prototyping
Rendering the final model


LEARN THIS COURSE FOR FREE *10 days of free unlimited access to “Surfacing an F1 Wheel In Alias”

Instructor’s Welcome Note:

– Hello, I’m Veejay Gahir and welcome to Surfacing an F1 Wheel using Alias Design. The goal of this course is to show you how to use Alias Design to create Class A surfaces for an F1 wheel. There are many different ways to approach a surfacing project, but I will show you the methodology that I use, and at the same time, we’ll discuss various engineering criteria that can influence the ultimate outcome of the final surfaces. You’ll see how this component can change dramatically from a concept, to a feasible engineering surface. Above all, I will show you how to identify problems during surfacing, why they occur, and most importantly, how to solve these problems.
We’ll take a look at a very systematic, methodical approach to Class A surfacing, and how this can greatly benefit the final outcome of the part. I’ll also show you how to export this data at various stages, so that a rapid prototype part can be created, and used in a physical bulk, or checked by a group like Human Factors. Alias Design has many unique features that enable experienced professionals and newcomers alike, create high quality surfaces, quickly and easily for multiple uses. We’ll be covering all these topics, plus many other tools and techniques. So let’s get started with Surfacing an F1 Wheel using Alias Design.



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Surfacing an F1 Wheel In Alias
CAD Tutorials
Veejay Gahir tutorials
Lynda review

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