Wednesday, March 9, 2016

#FREE SharePoint Tips and Tricks #Business #SharePoint

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Instructor’s Welcome Note:

– Most people like doing things the fastest way possible. Everyone’s interested in saving time. That’s why this feature is a real crowd favorite. Let’s take a look at drag and drop file uploading into a document library. First off, the typical way of uploading a file into a library is by clicking on the new document link or, from the office ribbon bar, clicking on the files tab, then upload document. From here, you would then click on the browse button, locate the file to upload, then click open and then OK.
So in this example, I’m just going to click cancel because what I do want to show you is how you can upload files in a much faster way using drag and drop and Windows Explorer. So I’m going to load a Windows Explorer window. Here it is. And these are the files that I want to upload into this library called administration. Here’s how I’m going to go about it. First, I select the files to upload. So I’m going to select these five files. Now what I’m going to do is drag and drop them into the library.
So I’m going to click and hold my mouse down and then drag. And you’ll see here that it tells me that I’m moving five files to the library. Where you need to pay special attention, though, is that I don’t drop it here in this white area, but instead, as I come closer to the library, the window changes and it says drop here. Now I’m going to let go of my mouse. And now you’ll see a progress bar where it says uploading, zero of five complete. And now all five have been uploaded into the library.
So drag and drop is definitely a time saver. Let’s look at another example. I’m going to go into another library. I’m going to go into marketing collateral. The difference between the marketing collateral document library and the administration document library is that in this library, there are mandatory fields, namely the region field. Because there’s a mandatory field, when I drag and drop files into the library, it’s going to be looking for an entry for region.
When it doesn’t find it, it’s going to automatically check out the file. So let’s take a look. I’m going to load the Windows Explorer window again. And these are the three files that I want to bulk upload using drag and drop. So I’ll select them, click and drag, and you’ll notice it says drop here so I’ll go ahead and do so. And now the three files are uploaded into the library. Now you’ll also notice the green arrow on these icons telling us that the file is checked out to myself.
So at this stage, I can select each file, go to my files tab, and edit the properties, or I can use the new quick edit tool as well so that I can bulk apply metadata to more than one file at a time. So now last but not least, as it relates to drag and drop, you are also able to drag and drop within a given library. So for example, if I want to drag these three files into one of these folders, I can do that as well.
The trick is that you do have to hover over the file name and click and drag from the file name. So I’ll go ahead and do that. And you can see here that I’m about to move some files. I’m going to go to project B, and you can see that it’s highlighted. I’ll go ahead and let go. And now you can see the files that disappeared from the library. And if I go into project B, you should see the three files that I’ve recently dragged across. So as an added bonus, drag and drop functionality used to only be available using Internet Explorer.
Bur now in SharePoint 2013, this functionality is also supposed to work with other browsers, like Chrome and Safari.



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