Wednesday, March 9, 2016

#FREE Brand Building Basics #Marketing #Lorrie Thomas Ross

In this succinct course, author, speaker, and marketing expert Lorrie Thomas Ross provides an overview of the basics of branding your business or yourself through consistency, communication, and effective collateral. The course shows how images, messaging, and market positioning can help you build visibility and credibility among customers. It includes real examples of successful brands and how aspects such as color, logos, and fonts, not to mention a strong web presence, contribute to their success.

LEVEL Beginner


Understanding branding
Looking at trends and a gallery of brands
Positioning your brand in the marketplace
Integrating images and style
Developing a business promise
Creating a style guide
Trademarking your brand
Tying together the print and web site design for a brand
Avoiding common mistakes


LEARN THIS COURSE FOR FREE *10 days of free unlimited access to “Brand Building Basics”

Instructor’s Welcome Note:

I am Lorrie Thomas Ross. Welcome to Brand Building Basics! Branding isn’t just for big business. Marketplace perception can help or hurt our ability to succeed professionally. Branding applies to products, services, nonprofits, concepts, even people. Whether you are building your brand from the ground up or managing an existing brand, in this short course, we’ll cover how to grab the reins of your brand. We’ll start by clarifying the true meaning of branding, examine several successful brands, and explore helpful branding tools.
Next, we’ll dive into development. We’ll cover everything from defining your brand to making a style guide. Lastly, we’ll help you successfully manage your brand by looking at how to avoid common mistakes. Branding is what builds and boosts business. What kind of mark do you want to make? Let’s get started with Brand Building Basics. See you in my course!



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Brand Building Basics
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