Amidst the myriad of 3D tools, Houdini is unique, offering a procedural workflow and node networks that allow for increased complexity and asset reusability. And with the Houdini Engine plugin, users of other 3D tools can now incorporate Houdini’s procedural power into their workflows.
These tutorials introduce the fundamental 3D concepts (modeling, animation, texturing, lighting, and rendering) as they apply in Houdini. Instructor Scott Pagano shows how to manipulate geometry; apply materials; add lights and cameras to a scene; render work with Houdini’s internal renderer, Mantra; and even create simple particle systems. The course will start new users on a path to more advanced 3D work and show experienced users of other 3D packages how to transfer their skills to the world of Houdini.
LEVEL – Intermediate
Setting Houdini preferences
Modifying geometry
Copy stamping
Setting keyframes
Manipulating animation channels
Shading and texture mapping
Lighting scenes
Rendering with Mantra
Creating particle emitters
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Instructor’s Welcome Note:
– Hello, I’m Scott Pagano, and welcome to Up and Running with Houdini. Houdini is a really powerful 3D application that’s particularly unique due to its all-procedural workflow and that we build using some traditional 3D techniques, but we’re also building networks of nodes to build more complex systems that allow for a tremendous amount of power and flexibility. We’ll start off taking a look at how to deal with geometry in Houdini, and then we’ll move on to looking at animation, and then we’ll move on to dealing with shading and lighting and rendering, so we can figure out how to use materials and how to add lights and cameras to our scene, as well as then how to deal with Mantra, Houdini’s internal renderer, to write files out to disks.
Finally, we’ll take a look at how to do simple particle systems in Houdini, how to get particles emitting off of an object, and how to manipulate the forces that are driving those particles. Historically, Houdini has been an intimidating 3D application, but we’re going to show you all the basic steps you need just to get up and running. So let’s dive in.
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Up and Running with Houdini
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